You can list any product that can qualifies as a gift item, from Cakes to Flowers to Personalized Gifts to Shoes to Handcrafts and any more item that can be Gifted out for celebrations, birthdays, anniversaries, weddings e.t.c


Join a marketplace where thousands of buyers in Nigeria shop for unique Gift items

Zero Listing Fee

Pay Nothing to List your Products

Thousands of Daily Buyers

Make more money selling to thousands of our daily buyers

Sponsored Promotions

Get your brand known and earn more customer awareness through our sponsored promotions

Be in Control

Manage, upload and delete products from your own dashboard. Get paid on the go

Register in very Easy Steps

Step 1: Create an Account

Create an account for free, give your store a name, upload your product catalogue and prices. Our Advisors will help you at every step and fully assist you helping you sell your products online

Step 2: Set Up Store Profile

Fill all necessary information about your store including opening hours and closing hours ( if you own a physical store). Also supply your bank account for receiving payments

Step 3: Get Verified

If you own a physical store, we may need to visit your physical location to complete your verification process but if you do not own a physical store, you will be asked to upload your ID card ( NIN, Driving License or International Passport) to verify your identity. This is to protect our buyers and ensure only vendors who are vetted and trusted are allowed on our plaform

Step 4: Start Earning

After verification, you become eligible to start selling and we display your products in front of thousands of our customers. Sit back and start processing orders. Once a order is received, you are alerted, you process the order. Upon the customers receipt of the order, your account is credited with your earnings

How Much Do We Charge?

It cost ZERO naira to create an account and upload your products for sale. We only get paid each time you make a sale.We may add a little on the product price while selling to the customer so that we can also have something to take home. After all, we sef need to eat, dont we?

Why do we add something on top?

We do this to help cover our operational cost, advertising and platform maintenance to be able to continue to serving you right

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